Thursday, 9 April 2015

spinach is healthier than you thought of

What about eating palak paneer in the lunch or sipping a bowl of palak soup to satiate your cravings in the evening? This green leafy vegetable not only packs a nutritional punch but also enhances your taste buds with its unique taste and flavour. Starting your day with a palak sandwich or a glass of spinach juice makes you feel full along with providing a whole lot of health benefits. Here are ten reasons why you should include palak in your diet.
1. Helps you lose weight
Spinach is rich in nutrients like Vitamin C and iron, which improves your metabolism helping you burn calories at a faster rate. If you are fat and need to lose weight, eating spinach preparations can be a great option. However, don’t forget to exercise. Here is a mega guide for losing weight the right way.
2. Improves the quality of your sperm
Did you know that eating spinach can improve your sperm motility and also aid in the production of a healthy sperm? Yes, this green leafy vegetable is packed with nutrients like folic acid, iron, zinc and antioxidants, which make your sperm a champion swimmer. So the next time you have an option to decide between palak and other leafy vegetable, you know what to choose!
3. Is good for your heart
Spinach is packed with nutrients like antioxidants, vitamins, omega 3 fatty acids and folic acid which are great for your heart. These nutrients improve the blood flow in your body and prevent your arteries from getting blocked due to build-up of bad cholesterol. What’s more? Research suggests that eating spinach can significantly reduce your chances of getting a heart attack.
4. Controls your blood sugar level
As the spinach has a very low glycemic index, it is known to be an excellent food for people suffering from diabetes. It also stabilizes your blood glucose levels along with improving your blood flow. Alternatively, spinach can prevent diabetes due to the presence of nutrients that improve the functioning of beta cells that produce insulin.
5. Can help relieve constipation
Spinach is rich in fibre which is why it helps in the treatment of constipation. Apart from adding bulk to stools and easing the passage of stools, it also helps cleanse, rebuild and renew your intestinal tract. If you have a severe case of constipation, you can try drinking 100 ml of spinach juice mixed with an equal amount of water for some relief.
6. Is great for your skin
The antioxidants present in spinach can prevent wrinkles and prolong the signs of ageing. It also flushes out the harmful toxins present in the skin along with strengthening your skin tissue. This is the reason people are recommended to drink a glass of spinach juice on an empty stomach to get beautiful and glowing skin. You may also like to read about 10 fruits and vegetables that can give you glowing skin.
7. Gives you whiter teeth
Not only does spinach contain calcium which strengthens your teeth, it also has abrasive qualities which are helpful in removing stains. Additionally, it promotes saliva production that neutralizes the harmful acids in your mouth. Hence, include palak in your diet for healthy and whiter teeth naturally.
8. Helps prevent cancer
According to a study published in Journal of Cancer, a diet rich in the flavonoid kaempferol, which spinach is rich in, can reduce the risk of ovarian cancer by 40% in women. Spinach also contains chlorophyll, carotenoids, omega-3 fatty acids and micronutrients like vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. All these nutrients fight tumour formation and decrease the amount of cancer-promoting molecules, thereby protecting you from cancer.
9. Improves your brain function
It is a fact that as you age, your brain cells start to degenerate and thus, lead to decreased cognitive function. However, you can improve your brain activity by increasing the consumption of antioxidants present in spinach. This is because, antioxidants protect the brain from free radical damage which is caused mainly due to ageing.
10. Great for your eyes
The presence of lutein and zeaxanthin, antioxidants, in spinach, prevents various eye-related problems. It is mainly due to the nutrients like iron, vitamin A, powerful antioxidants and anti-inflammatory property of this leafy vegetable. Apart from improving your vision, it also prevents cataracts and age-related macular degeneration, commonly seen in elderly people.
With so many health benefits, it’s high time that you avoided eating spinach. So get started by adding this leafy vegetable to your food from today to stay fit and healthy!

Thanks & Regards

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