Sunday 28 June 2015

Is She/he Cheating On Me With Her Ex?

Here are some signs which individually may not prove your bf/gf is cheating on you. But if you can identify many of these signs in your relationship, the chances are good your bf/gf is cheating on you.
Signs Your Bf/Gf May Be Cheating On You:
  • You begin to notice emotional distance between the two of you. Things just aren’t the way they used to be.
  • Your instinct tells you he/she is being unfaithful. Deep in your heart of hearts you sense something has gone wrong with your relationship.
  • You begin spending less time together. Your bf/gf tells you he/she doesn’t have the time for you like they used to.
  • The one you love so much stops asking you to go out and do special things together. Somehow your untrustworthy bf/gf just doesn’t have the time for you like before.
  • They suddenly start encouraging you to spend time with other people. Their rationalization is “If you spend time with other people, then I can too.”
  • There’s a distinct change in his/her schedule. There are huge blocks of time your bf/gf cannot account for. They often make excuses for the extended time of “running errands.”

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