Sunday, 28 June 2015

8 Amazing Health Benefits Of Eating Papaya

Sure, you know that pawpaw is a fruit; you rightfully assume it’s good for you, but do you know that the benefits of eating pawpaw go far beyond the generic boost of vitamin C.
Papaya Contains Antioxidants
One of the benefits of eating papaya is that it helps to prevent cancer. Papaya is a rich source of antioxidants that the body needs to fight against cancer-causing cells. Vitamin C, E and beta-carotenes are antioxidants that prevent all kinds of cancers. So adding a daily serving of papaya to your diet may lessen your risk of developing cancer.
Papaya is Used to Treat Digestive Disorders
Papaya is a great source of proteolytic enzymes that are very important in digesting food. The most important of these proteolytic enzymes found in papaya is papain. Papain breaks down proteins in food, allowing for better digestion. Papain is used in prescription of digestive enzymes to treat individuals with cystic fibrosisor pancreatic conditions; producing for them what the body cannot produce naturally. Eating papaya is also a benefit because papain taken orally treats less serious digestion disorders such as bloating and chronic indigestion. In these cases papain is extracted, dried and sold as tablets.
Papaya Boosts Male Virility
Another great benefit of papaya is to boost male virility. Papaya contains an enzyme called arginine which is known in the medically community to boost blood flow around the man-hood. Arginine boosts nitric acid in the body to relax the muscles surrounding the blood vessels tat supply the man-hood. These blood vessels then dilate and increase blood flow. A more concentrated form of arginine is used to treat erectile dysfunction.
Papaya Prevents Premature Aging
Many alternative medical practitioners believe that one of the benefits of papaya is to control premature aging. Papaya helps the body to properly digest food and when the body digests all the nutrients it needs, the body will remain vital for a long time.
Papaya is Used as a Cleanser
Taking a quarter pint (150ml) of papaya juice, cucumber juice and green bean juice in alternating hours for 12 hours can be a benefit to your colon. These juices work as potent natural cleansers when combined.
Papaya is also rich in fiber, which travels through the body and binds itself to cancer-causing toxins in the colon. The fiber in papaya flushes out the toxins in the colon and so one of the benefits of papaya is that it helps prevent colon cancer especially, due to its antioxidants and its fiber content.
Papaya Prevents Heart Attacks and Strokes
The antioxidants in papaya prevent cholesterol from oxidizing. When cholesterol becomes oxidized it forms plaque in the blood vessel walls that can eventually build up and cause a heart attack or stroke.
Also, fiber is known to lower cholesterol. The fiber in papaya converts a substance called homocysteine into harmless amino acids that the body can process, but without the breakdown, homocysteine can eventually damage blood vessel walls, causing strokes or heart attacks.
Papaya Treats Inflammation
Papain and chymopapain, protein-digestive enzymes found in papaya lowers inflammation and improve healing from burns. Papain breaks down the inactive proteins in the skin, removing dead tissue from burns. This benefits the body as it helps heal skin injuries, relieves psoriasis, removes warts, treats ringworms and cold sores.
Also vitamins C, E and beta carotenes are good at reducing inflammation and as such these nutrients are used to treat asthma, osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis among many other inflammatory ailments.
Treatment for ringworms
Raw papaya is the best treatment for ringworms. You can reduce the inflammation by rubbing the raw papaya slices on the ringworm patches

See The ways Onion Helps in Hair Growth


How To Make Onion Juice For Hair Growth?

It is very easy and simple to make the onion juice for hair growth. You can use a food processor or blender, grater or a juicer to extract the juice. Peel the required number of onions according to the length of your hair and cut them into pieces. You can put them in blender or juicer and run it to get the required amount of juice. To extract the juice using grater, cut the onion into halves and grate each half, squeeze out the juices from grated onion using your hand.

Simple Methods Of Using Onion for Hair Growth

1.    Onion Juice-Honey Mixture

You can use this remedy in two different ways. You can mix ¼ cup of onion juice with one honey tablespoon of honey and you can consume it orally every day or you can apply the mix on the scalp and massage it for 15 minutes daily to see the difference.

2.    Concoction Of Onion Juice And Rum

If you find the smell of onions unbearable you can use this method to prevent the loss of hair and to improve the growth of hair. Finely chop one medium sized onion and soak this in a glass of rum overnight. Next day, strain the mixture to remove the onion pieces. Use the concoction to massage the scalp or use it as a hair rinse after washing the hair.

3.    Add Onion In Your Recipes

You can include onions in regular recipes and in salads to get the benefits of using onion. This will not act as fast as applying the juice to the hair.

4.    Onion Juice Hair Rinse

This is another method of using onions for hair growth without getting tears and irritation to eyes. Add 4-5 chopped onion to one liter of water and boil it for about 10 minutes. Allow the mixture to cool and strain the mixture. Use the onion boiled water to rinse your hair after shampooing. If you are not bothered with the smell you need not wash the hair with water that day. You can clean your hair using water and mild shampoo next day.
Hair is part of the personality of a person. If you are worried about your excessive hair loss, you can try the above remedy. Select a method convenient to you and stick to it for at least two months. Your hair will first achieve a good sheen and slowly you will see your hair becoming stronger and thicker. To boost your hair growth, you can also massage your hair and scalp with a mixture of olive oil, coconut oil and almond oil once in a week. You can achieve better results, if you leave the oil overnight on your hair. Always eat a healthy diet to prevent hair loss and to promote the re-growth of the hair.

23-year-old woman becomes the World’s youngest Grandmother

A 23-year-old woman is claiming that she is the world’s youngest grandmother.
Rifca Stanescu gave birth when she was just 12 years old and two years ago her daughter Maria had a baby at the age of 11.
Despite urging her daughter not to follow in her footsteps and stay in school, Stanescu told The Sun that Maria left to get married when she was just 10 and gave birth to her first child the following year.
“I am happy to be a grandmother but wished more for Maria,” Stanescu told the paper.
Stanescu also revealed that she eloped with jewellery salesman Ionel Stanescu when she was 11 and he was 13.
She fled with her boyfriend because she was worried her father would force her to marry someone else in the village of Investi in Romania.
Her mother, also named Maria, became a great grandmother at just 40 years old.
Last month, the woman who is set to become Britain’s youngest grandmother at age 29, said that her daughter becoming a teen mum was ‘her worst nightmare’.
Kelly John gave birth to her daughter, Tia, at age 14. Tia is now expecting her own child at the same age.
‘My worst nightmare has always been that Tia would repeat my mistake and get pregnant young. [When I found out] I felt the colour drain from my face and all I could do was cry.’ John told the News of the World.

Is She/he Cheating On Me With Her Ex?

Here are some signs which individually may not prove your bf/gf is cheating on you. But if you can identify many of these signs in your relationship, the chances are good your bf/gf is cheating on you.
Signs Your Bf/Gf May Be Cheating On You:
  • You begin to notice emotional distance between the two of you. Things just aren’t the way they used to be.
  • Your instinct tells you he/she is being unfaithful. Deep in your heart of hearts you sense something has gone wrong with your relationship.
  • You begin spending less time together. Your bf/gf tells you he/she doesn’t have the time for you like they used to.
  • The one you love so much stops asking you to go out and do special things together. Somehow your untrustworthy bf/gf just doesn’t have the time for you like before.
  • They suddenly start encouraging you to spend time with other people. Their rationalization is “If you spend time with other people, then I can too.”
  • There’s a distinct change in his/her schedule. There are huge blocks of time your bf/gf cannot account for. They often make excuses for the extended time of “running errands.”

6 things you should tell your partner everyday

Keeping a happy and healthy relationship isn’t a walk in the park. There are things you need to say and do on a daily basis to keep the relationship intact. Check out this article on the things you should tell your partner every day.

6. I Want To Be With You

Words make a lot of things beautiful in a relationship, by being sweet with your partner and opening up to Them, you make them feel good about the decision they made. Even if you’ve been with them for years, Tell them you want to be with them, it makes them smile and reassures your love for them and makes them Know you’re in it for the long run.

5. I Love You

The three magical words. Make it a daily habit to tell your partner you love them, don’t think just because they Know it already you shouldn’t say it, say it everyday. It makes them happy and lets them know you still have the Same strong feelings for them that you did the first day of your relationship and you can still fight the world for Them and you’re always there for them. Say “I Love You”, because you do.

4. You Are Hot

Physical attraction isn’t the most important factor of any relationship but it’s up there and is necessary for Relationships to grow and become strong. When you tell your partner they’re hot, they feel good about Themselves, they feel confident and they feel amazing the whole day. Compliment them on the smallest Of things. Tell them they’re beautiful or handsome, tell them they smell great, tell them their smile is the Cutest, words can move mountains!

3. I Love It When You…

Flatter them and compliment them on the smallest of things. It lets them know you still pay attention to everything They do and you still love them for who they are. Tell them they look great, they smell great, tell them you love Their cooking, just anything you can think of that can make them happy and smile and make them love you more And more each day.

2. You Mean The World To Me

Nothing puts a bigger smile on your partner’s face than knowing they mean everything to you. “You mean the World to me” is definitively one of the sweetest things you can say to your partner. And make sure you say it Like you mean it. Knowing that no one else in the world makes you happier or makes your life better is an Awesome thing to hear everyday. Make it a daily occurrence.

1. I Respect You

Respect is a very important and mutual requirement for every relationship. By telling them you respect them, You’re letting them know that they always have a supportive partner and a person who is proud of them even At their smallest of achievements. Make the love grow and be the sweetest.


8 Signs you’re in a fake relationship

This one’s tricky, to differentiate a real relationship from one that’s fake. What really is a fake relationship? It’s an illusion that  you have come to believe, illusion of a long lasting relationship. Many of us are in fake relationships, without even knowing. What you might be having is an affair,  real relationships take a lot of efforts, no doubts there, but they are always better than fake ones in the long run. Here are the red flags that you need to keep an eye out for and prevent yourself from being fooled.

1. The communication sucks

Good communication is a requisite for a healthy relationship, if you are in a relationship where you two barely communicate, you can’t recall the last time you had a heart to heart with your partner, you just text each other every once in a while, it’s  just on and off, you are unaware of what’s going on in the other person’s life and it generally feels like you don’t know the other person then you’re not really in a relationship. You have formed a real bond only when you feel connected with your partner; emotionally, physically and mentally.

2. Too much PDA

This might come as a surprise, you two are practically nibbling on each other, isn’t that a good thing? No, it isn’t. This is indicative of over-compensatory and ostentatious behaviour. You are trying to put on a show, a make-believe. It’s a way of maintaining the illusion that you guys have created, to lie to yourself and the others around you. You might be in a fake relationship and still manage to hear things like; ‘What a perfect couple you guys are’, ‘You make us want to have a relationship’ etc. If you guys are not this crazy about each other in private but can’t keep your hands off each other as soon as you have company, then you have a few questions to ask.

3. There are no remarkable moments

The relationship just feels ‘normal’, nothing special. You guys don’t have any exceptional memories together, there are no extra ordinary feelings attached to the time you guys spend together. This shouldn’t be the case, love is an exceptional feeling and if it feels anything less than amazing, you’re not really in love.

4. There is a lot of confusion

Initially, we all are a little  hazy, not sure what to feel or if it’s okay to feel this way, unsure of your partner’s feelings, spending hours contemplating he loves me, he loves me not; but after you have spent notable time with your partner and  you can’t really give substance to how you feel or if your partner truly loves you and you are not trying to do anything about this disarray of feelings and continue to profess love then this is a classic sign of a fake relationship.

5. Serious discussions are off limits

This is an extension of bad communication, a couple has silly conversations as well as serious discussions. You are wrong to think that a perfect relationship is one with no arguments and heated discussions, a happy couple talks about things that matter and it does not affect their love for each other. If you guys avoid having consequential conversations, talk about superficial things like the weather, then your relationship is too good to be true. If you really care about things, then there is no way you can go without arguments every now and then.

6. There is a power struggle

Letting go of your egos is essential for a sustainable relationship. You are in a relationship where someone always has to be right, it doesn’t matter how it affects your relationship, all that matters is being right! This means that there is a lack of love in the relationship, because when you are in love you are more flexible, more concerned about your partner’s feelings, being right doesn’t always matter.

7. There is se,xual chemistry….. ONLY

You guys are too hot for each other in the bed, but when it comes to talking and communication you guys are clueless or just not interested. The only way you guys feel in sync is by means of physical contact, this simply means you are in a carnal relationship, once the infatuation dies, so will the relationship. This is a very common, characteristic sign of a relationship being timely.

8. You don’t know each other’s family and friends

A person who is serious about you, wants to make you a part of his life, will always introduce you to his friends and family. If it’s been a while and you still haven’t met each other’s family and it doesn’t seem to bother one or both of you, this means the person doesn’t want to get ‘too involved’ and has set limits to how far the relationship will go.

13 questions to ask yourself before you get married

From a psychological perspective, love is mental well-being associated with affective, sexual and spiritual satisfaction.
The history of irrational love, the passion and craze of desire has already been illustrated by great writers like William Shakespeare in Romeo and Juliet. Dramas, soap operas, movies and fairy tales detail how problems disappear once the two lovers are finally together. We know, however, “happily ever after” is only the beginning. The media teaches that the power of love is so strong that by just being together is all you need to experience a long lasting marriage.
Here are some questions that must be answered in the positive BEFORE marriage, or quickly thereafter:
  • 1. Do you know yourself?

    It is important to find the right person. But do you consider yourself to be the right person? This includes knowing what you do and do not like, being psychologically healthy, trustworthy, empathetic, altruistic and able to share and care for another person. The qualities you search for apply to you, too. The more you know yourself, the more you’ll know what to look for in another person and the consequences of what you did not expect will be felt less. If you do not know yourself, no relationship will complete you.
  • 2. Do you accept each other for who you really are?

    This means you realize no one is perfect. Everyone has faults, limits and certain attributes that may be detestable to you. Marital problems begin as one party tries to change the other. Change is difficult, and no one can force another to change. You are responsible only for the changes made in yourself.
  • 3. While dating and engaged, has your life been tranquil?

    This includes getting along with others, knowing how to solve problems, conversing civilly and applying empathy, tolerance and good will. Arguing is normal within any intimate relationship, but you need to be sure that the arguments are constructive, resolve problems and provide solutions to questions. If conflicts are ugly and disrespectful, do not expect it to get better after marriage.
  • 4. Do you like yourself or the feeling that comes when you are with your significant other?

    It is imperative that you know, and can be, yourself. There is harmony when you and the one you love connect through similar interests, attitudes and values. Be sure that you feel comfortable in each other’s presence. Similarities strengthen the relationship.
  • 5. Do you feel spiritually comfortable around her?

    You do not need to be religious to know that how your spouse feels and acts about the divine will influence your relationship. Someone with an open heart; who is generous, charitable, humble and cultures faith and hope daily is better company than someone who repels correction, believes repentance and forgiveness to be “things of the believers” or mocks other religions.
  • 6. Do you share compatible interests, attitudes and values?

    This is fundamental. If both focus on building a life and family together, with similar objectives, the power to overcome marital problems is strengthened. This includes self-esteem levels, physical appearance, education levels, family situations and other abilities used to build a successful relationship.
  • 7. What do you expect from your spouse after marriage?

    Today, male and female roles are ill-defined. It is essential, however, that you know exactly what you expect from each other. In a marriage, we are partners, parents, and companions responsible for sustaining a family as lovers, friends and confidants. We help each other, play, clean and collaborate.
  • 8. Do you feel sufficiently sexually attracted to her?

    Far from being everything in a marriage, but is an important part where humor, sociability, affection and confidence nurture romanticism and contribute to the chemistry between man and wife. Remember, affection and being together does not mean that you need to have sex all the time, but remember that sex is the only thing you share with each other and noone else.
  • 9. Do you feel comfortable while you are around her family and friends?

    It is said that when you marry the individual, you marry the family. If this harmony does not develop, eventually, it will affect your relationship. This includes how your wife feels about the people who are close to you.
  • 10. Are you interested in making him happy?

    This means letting him go after his dreams, supporting him and admiring his potential. While a successful marriage includes your happiness, you will still need to do your part, and not always putting yourself first.
  • 11. Do you have a solid friendship?

    This means being loyal, honest, trustworthy, which are supports of a long-lasting marriage. Invest in communication. Humans enjoy talking to and being with their good friends. Ponder that.
  • 12. Are your hygiene and habits compatible?

    Normally, people do not think of these as requirements for a good marriage, but it is essential to know how to take care of and present yourself, and how to contribute to the cleanliness of places you will live together. This improves the health of the couple and the children to come.
  • 13. Are you willing to accept the responsibility of making the marriage work?

    This means you will not give up when problems arise. Personality attributes such as narcissism can pick away at a loving relationship and destroy the family. Ask her to do the same.
    Ponder and analyze each question. It is not much. You do not need to be perfect in every requirement to be happy during marriage. However, good intentions, unity and the desire to better yourselves in each of these points are important for a successful marriage. Without good intentions any one of these points will snowball and destroy the relationship.
    Love can conquer all. But a matured love, one that has grown together, that is interesting, strong and unified can do so much more.

15 Cancer Symptoms Women Often Ignore

Women’s bodies are always changing. Sometimes changes that seem normal can be signs of cancer, though.
The key is to pay attention to your body so you can notice when something’s different, says Robyn Andersen, PhD, of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle. “New symptoms indicate something has changed in your body, and you want to know what that means.”
So, what should you watch for?
1. Breast changes
Most breast lumps aren’t cancer, but your doctor should always check them. Let her know about these changes, too:
Skin dimpling or puckering
Nipples that turn inward
Nipple discharge
Redness or scaling of your nipple or breast skin
To look for the cause of your symptoms, your doctor will do a physical exam and ask you questions about your medical history. You may also have tests like a mammogram or a biopsy, when doctors remove a tiny piece of tissue for testing.
2. Bloating
“Women are natural bloaters,” says Marleen Meyers, MD, an oncologist at NYU Langone Medical Center. “It’s OK to wait a week or two to see if it goes away.”
If your symptoms don’t get better with time, or if they happen with weight loss or bleeding, see a doctor. Constant bloating can sometimes mean ovarian cancer. You’ll have a pelvic exam as well as blood tests, and sometimes an ultrasound, to look for the cause of the problem, Andersen says.
3. Between-Period Bleeding
If you’re still getting periods, tell your doctor if you’re spotting between them. Bleeding that’s not a part of your usual monthly cycle can have many causes, but your doctor will want to rule out endometrial cancer (cancer of the lining of your uterus).
Bleeding after menopause is never normal and should be checked right away.
4: Skin Changes
A change in the size, shape, or color of a mole or other spot is a common sign of skin cancer. See your doctor for a thorough exam and perhaps a biopsy. This is one time you don’t want to wait, Meyers says.
5. Blood in Your Pee or Stool
Talk to your doctor if you’re bleeding from a part of your body that normally doesn’t, especially if the bleeding lasts more than a day or two, Meyers says.
Bloody stool is often from hemorrhoids, but it can also be a symptom of colon cancer. Bloody urine is usually the first sign of cancer of the bladder or kidneys, says Herbert Lepor, MD, a urologist at NYU’s Langone.
6. Changes in Lymph Nodes
Lymph nodes are small, bean-shaped glands around the body. Most changes in them come from common infections. But some cancers, including leukemia and lymphoma, can also cause lymph nodes to swell.
It’s a good idea to see your doctor if you have a lump or swelling anywhere in your body that lasts a month or more, Meyers says.
7. Trouble Swallowing
Occasional trouble swallowing is nothing to worry about. But when it happens often, especially with vomiting or weight loss, your doctor may want to check you for throat or stomach cancer.
He’ll look into your symptoms with a throat exam and a barium X-ray. During a barium test, you drink a special liquid that makes your throat stand out on the X-ray.
8. Weight Loss Without Trying
Most women wish extra pounds would magically melt away. But losing 10 pounds or more without a change in your diet or exercise habits could signal a problem.
Most unintended weight loss is not cancer, Meyers says. “It’s often caused by stress or your thyroid, but it can be a sign of pancreatic cancer,” she says. Stomach and lung cancers are also possible.
Your doctor may ask for a lot of tests to look for a problem, including blood tests and imaging tests, like a CT scan.
9. Heartburn
Too much food, alcohol, or stress (or all three) can cause serious heartburn. Meyers suggests that you change your diet for a week or two to see if your symptoms get better.
If that doesn’t help, talk to your doctor. Heartburn that doesn’t go away or gets worse could mean cancer of the stomach, throat, or ovaries.
10. Mouth Changes
If you smoke, watch for white or bright-red patches inside your mouth or on your lips. Both can signal oral cancer. Ask your doctor or dentist about tests and treatment.
11. Fever
A fever that doesn’t go away and can’t be explained could mean leukemia or another blood cancer. Your doctor should get the details of your medical history and give you a physical exam to check for the cause.
12. Fatigue
A lot of women are tired because they lead hectic lives. But extreme tiredness that won’t go away isn’t normal.
Talk to your doctor if your fatigue never gets better or if you have other symptoms, like blood in your stool. Your doctor will ask for your complete medical history and give you blood tests.
13. Cough
Most coughs go away on their own in 3 to 4 weeks. Don’t ignore one that lasts longer than that, especially if you smoke or are short of breath. If you cough up blood, go to the doctor. A cough is the most common symptom of lung cancer.
14. Pain
Cancer doesn’t cause most aches. But ongoing pain can signal bone, brain, or other cancers. Ask your doctor about any unexplained aches that last a month or longer.
15. Belly Pain and Depression
It’s rare, but belly pain plus depression can be a sign of pancreatic cancer. Should you worry? Not unless pancreatic cancer runs in your family, Meyers says. “Then you need a prompt [exam].”

7 Warning Signs of Lung Cancer You Shouldn’t Ignore

Lung cancer is among the most common types of cancers in both men and women worldwide. According to the U.S. National Cancer Institute, approximately one out of every 14 men and women in the U.S. will be diagnosed with lung cancer at some point in their lifetime. In the U.S., lung cancer has surpassed breast cancer as the most common cause of cancer-related deaths in women. But being aware of the risk factors and paying attention to warning signs and symptoms can save life.
Signs and symptoms of lung cancer
Warning signs of lung cancer are not always present or easy to identify. In many cases lung cancer may not show any noticeable symptoms in the early stages. But if you suspect that some of the risk factors apply to you, then early screening may help people at high risk for the disease.
A person with lung cancer may have the following symptoms:
1. Persistent cough or changes in cough
If you have a cold, your cough should go away after a week or two, but if it persists over a long time, you should see your doctor. If you are a smoker or suffers from chronic cough, notice if there are any changes in your chronic cough, for example: coughing more frequently, deeper cough with a deeper or hoarse sound, coughing up blood or having more mucus than usual.
2. Shortness of breath
If you are short of breath while doing a task that you could have done easily in the past, it may be a symptom of lung cancer. This symptom can occur if lung tumor blocks or narrows an airway, or if fluid from it builds up in the chest.
3. Chest and bone pain
One of the symptoms may be pain in the chest, shoulder, or back area. Lung cancer that has spread to the bones may cause pain at the sites of the affected bone. If it has spread to the brain it may cause a number of neurological symptoms and headaches. So listen to your body and if the pain persists and doesn’t go away, go to see your doctor.
4. Wheezing
While a whistling sound when you breathe can result from asthma or allergies, it can also be associated with lung cancer. If wheezing persists, visit your doctor to find the cause of it.
5. Voice changes
Your voice becomes hoarser and deeper or you notice any other significant changes in your voice. While hoarseness can result from a simple cold, if it persists then go to see your doctor.
6. Persistent chest infections
Infections such as bronchitis and pneumonia that don’t go away or keep coming back.
7. Weight loss, loss of appetite, fatigue and weakness
These are non-specific symptoms that can be seen with many other cancer types or other diseases, but if the changes are unexplained and persist, then go to your doctor to find the cause of it.

10 Serious Cancer Symptoms That Everyone Ignores


Detecting early symptoms is the best way to treat and cure this bad disease. Some of the symptoms can also be quite common, but a large number of men and women ignore them.
Find out which are the 10 most common symptoms of cancer:
1. Short of breath
One of the first signs of lung cancer, and patients who suffer from it are saying that they noticed the symptoms like the wheezing or shortness of breath and noise while breathing. Frequent misdiagnosis that people give themselves is that they have asthma.
2. Chronic cough and chest pain
Several types of cancer, including leukemia and lung cancer, can be recognized by the symptoms such as cough or bronchitis. One of the ways that you can tell the difference is if the problem is constant or occasionally disappears. If you have constant pain or cough, go do the analysis.
3. Common infections 
Frequent infections are symptoms of leukemia that is if our blood starts producing abnormal amount of white blood vessels so they cannot fight the infection effectively. Leukemia is often found among adults even when the patient complains of frequent occurrences like fever and flu-like symptoms.
4. Difficulty in swallowing
Difficulty in swallowing is a symptom commonly associated with cervical cancer or one of the first symptoms of lung cancer.
5. Swollen lymph nodes under the armpit or groin
Enlarged lymph glands indicate changes in the lymphatic system, which can be a sign of cancer. Painless lump under armpit often leads to breast cancer, while a lump on groin and neck, may reference an early sign of leukemia.
6. Excessive bruising
This symptom can be an indication of some abnormal activities of red blood cells, which in turn often leads to leukemia. Bruising in odd places, fingers and palms and red spots on the face, neck, chest are symptoms that must not be ignored.
7. Pain in the abdomen or pelvis
Itself, pelvic pain may refer to several things. It is a common symptom of ovarian cysts, so this sign is often ignored, but should not be.
8. Rectal bleeding
One of the first symptoms of colon cancer is rectal bleeding or blood in the stool. In case you notice these symptoms, you should immediately contact your doctor.
9. Weight Loss
If you notice the pounds melt away, and you have not made any change in diet or lifestyle, you need to ask yourself why. Losing weight is an early sign of colon cancer, and it affects appetite and the body’s ability to get rid of “waste”.
10. Nail changes
Wonderful nail changes can be a symptom of various cancers. Brown or black lines and dots on the nails indicate skin cancer. Pale or white nails can be a sign that the liver is not functioning properly, and that is a symptom of liver cancer.


10 Signs in The Body Which Reveal That You Are Not Healthy

Human body is a complex machine that should be serviced and maintained. Learn how to recognize the signs your body sends you. We have covered 10 signs that indicate a possible health problem and a condition that you should not ignore.
1. Gray hair before the 40s
Graying is a natural phenomenon and it is often a matter of genetics. But, if your hair is 50 percent gray and you are in your 30s, you are possibly dealing with diabetes. Check if there are similar cases in your family history.
2. Birthmarks
Most moles are harmless and benign, but some of them can be pretty dangerous, especially those that appear as a result to overexposure to sun. Senile and actinic keratosis triggered by sun and UV rays are considered as pre-cancer skin changes.
3. Eye white
Your white should be always white. Simple as that. Apart from insufficient sleep and colds, your eye white can detect severe problems in your body. Yellow white may indicate jaundice, liver or gall bladder issues. Red white may be a sign of hypertension or viral disease, like conjunctivitis.
4. Chapped lips
These are triggered by temperature changes and wind. But, if your lip ends are often cracked and you have inner sores, you probably lack vitamin B and zinc. This is a common sign of fungal infections as well.
5. Swollen neck
If your neck is swollen consult your doctor as soon as possible. Pay special attention to the front part of your neck, because it may indicate thyroid problems that are especially common in women aged between 20 and 50.
6. Loss of eyebrows
Eyebrows become less frequent as you grow old, but sudden hair loss may indicate thyroid problems, hyperthyroidism or an overactive thyroid, or hypothyroidism or poor thyroid function. These issues are often accompanied by hair loss.
7. Red palms
These occur as a result of dermatitis, eczema or even allergic reaction to metal, drugs, food or drinks. Red palms are often a sign of excessive labor or liver problems.
8. Nail changes
Nails can really tell you much about your health and the causes of their changes vary.
9. Cold feet
Feet are the farthest part from your heart and any cardiovascular disease is first manifested in this part of your body. Reynald’s disease is an autoimmune condition that tightens vessels in hands, toes, nose and ears, which is why they are often cold, pale or numb.
10. Red faces
Sudden changes in face are common in women aged between 30 and 55. They are caused by hormonal changes, temperature changes and hot food. Rosy cheeks are often a sign of rosacea, a chronic skin disease that affects women. The cause of this disease is still unknown


Your Fingernails Can Tell You About Your Health

We spend a lot of time dressing up our fingernails and making them look good. But, did you know that clues about your health are literally at your fingertips? In the same way that dry skin can be a sign of dehydration or under-eye circles can be signs of restless sleep, the subtle abnormalities in your fingernails can be a clue that it’s time to check in with your doctor. Here are some of the secrets your fingernails are sharing about your health:
Yellow Fingernails
If you paint your nails a lot, it is not unusual for there to be a slight yellowish tint when you remove the polish. However, if this color stays around it could be a warning sign for diabetes.
Horizontal Lines
These are indentations that run from side to side, usually in the middle of the fingernail. They are also referred to as Beau’s lines. In its mildest form Beau’s lines can be a sign of malnutrition or specifically, a zinc deficiency. Zinc can be found in seafood, pumpkin seeds and cocoa powder.
Nail Moon
The white half moon at the base of your nail is a key indicator of thyroid health. Bright, prominent nail moons are associated with good thyroid health. Each finger that is lacking this nail moon can mean a weaker thyroid.
Nail Clubbing
This is when the tip of your finger gets enlarged and your nail widens and bends over the tip. Nail clubbing is a warning sign for lung disease.
Pale/White Fingernails
Typically, the part of your nail that is connected to your skin will match your skin color. If this portion of your nail starts to turn very pale or white it could be a sign of anemia.
Dark Lines
If you notice a dark line underneath the nail and have not had any injury be sure to notify your doctor right away. This can be one of the first signs of acral lentiginous melanoma, the type of cancer that killed Bob Marley. It is also a great idea to remove any nail polish from your fingers and toes prior to your annual skin cancer exam so your doctor can pick up on any clues!
Soft & Weak Fingernails
If your nails bend and peel easily, it could be a deficiency in biotin. Biotin can be found in foods such as Swiss chard, carrots and almonds or you can add a B-50 complex to your supplement program to ensure you are getting enough in your day.
Jagged Bitten Nails
If you find yourself gnawing on your nails or cuticles it could be a sign of stress or anxiety. Although it can seem even more stressful at first, it is important to schedule time in your day for stress relieving activities such as exercise or meditation.
As you can see, your fingernails can tell a lot about what’s happening inside. Next time you have a few minutes, give your fingernails a good look and see if you see anything different or unusual. It could be your body sending you a signal to consult your doctor!