Wednesday 8 April 2015


You do not get a second chance to make a first impression. As your official introduction, your CV format should look its professional best.
Before CV writing begins, research a few sample CV formats. The CV tips below demonstrate how to make a CV visually appealing and effective.
  • Generally, CVs are two pages in length; CV Summaries are one page.
  • Print your CV in black ink on high quality white paper. Do this for cover letters well.
  • Use an easy to read CV format; peruse sample CVs for design ideas.
  • Do not make margins too wide or too narrow.
  • Choose a CV format that allows you to headline key achievements.
  • Information that shows you are a great fit for the job should be placed toward the top.
  • Use bold type appropriately. Use underlining sparingly, if at all.
  • Arial and Times New Roman are standard typefaces on most business computers. Avoid unusual typefaces.
  • Use a font size of 11 points or above.
  • Edit lengthy paragraphs until they are concise and read fluidly.
  • Include detailed contact information on the first page.
  • Start employment history with your current or most recent job and work backwards.
  • Combine long-form copy with logically placed, thoughtfully written bullet points.
  • When listing actions, always describe results or outcomes, and quantify them whenever possible.


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