Thursday, 31 December 2015

50 Ways to Save Money by Using Common Household Items

Let us hope that our Indian government do not plan for " Fringe Benefit Tax" on these 10 common household items !
50 Ways to Save Money by Using Common Household Items

Which of us doesn’t have toothpaste, rubber bands, or salt at home? There are many items in our homes that have many more uses than we realize, some of which can greatly improve our lives and save us money too. These 10 items mostly can be found in your home already, some probably just lie there, gathering dust. By knowing the extra uses you can get out of each item, you can employ them more effectively when you need them.
Toothpaste - Useful Items
1. Remove ink and lipstick stains

– Leaky pen stained your shirt or pants? Apply some plain toothpaste on it and give it a good scrub, rinse, and repeat until the stain is gone. This trick works for lipstick stains as well.

2. Remove strong odors from your hands
- If you were peeling garlic and can’t seem to get rid of the smell, wash your hands with toothpaste instead of with soap.

3. Prevents fogging of glass surfaces
– This is a trick I learned while diving. Plain toothpaste prevents glass surfaces from fogging, which is important while diving. It also works for bathroom mirrors, glass shower doors, etc.

4. Remove oil stains from walls
– If you left your kid alone for a moment, only to return and discover he or she “decorated” the walls with crayons, then toothpaste is your friend. Grab a brush or microfiber cloth, put on some plain toothpaste and scrub the wall. Follow by using a wet cloth to wipe off the paste and enjoy your clean wall.

5. Polish diamonds
– Grab an old toothbrush, put on some toothpaste and give your diamond ring or earrings a scrub. Use a damp cloth to remove the paste and watch how your diamonds sparkle again.
Rubber Bands - Useful Items
1. Better tool grip
– If you’ve got sweaty hands or you’re trying to unscrew something that was screwed in too tightly, try wrapping the handle of your tool with a few rubber bands. The rubber’s natural qualities will provide for better grip, making every job that much easier. It even works for tightly-sealed jar lids.

2. Prevent glasses from slipping
– If you’re wearing prescription glasses even when you do physical exercise, you can use a rubber band to keep them securely in place. All you need to do is wrap a rubber band around the edges of the temples to keep your glasses from flying off.

3. Cushion falling remotes
– If you have a history of accidentally dropping remote controls, you can wrap them in a couple of rubber bands. The rubber’s elasticity will serve as shock absorbers and will cushion the remotes if / when you drop them.

4. Safely close cabinets
– If you keep cleaning detergents and other poisonous materials in cabinets but want to keep your kids from opening the doors, wrap the handles tightly with a rubber band and keep your kids safe.

5. Revitalize an old broom
– If your broom’s bristles are too frayed, wrap a rubber band around them to keep them together again, which will get your broom to sweep new.
Nail Polish - Useful Items
1. Strengthen screws
– Is the handle of your favorite pot coming loose? Is your cupboard door loosening all the time? Unscrew them, apply clear nail polish to the screw, and then screw it back in and let the nail polish dry. Another benefit is that the polish prevents the screw from rusting.

2. Seal envelopes
– If the adhesive on your envelope is too weak or non-existing, you can substitute it for clear nail polish. Just remember to keep the envelope sealed while the polish is drying.

3. Thread a needle
– Are you struggling with threading a needle? Dip the tip of the thread into a bit of nail polish and let it dry. Now that it’s hard you can thread the needle with ease.

4. Keep jewels from tarnishing
– If you’ve got simple jewelry that might tarnish in time, coat them with a thin layer of clear nail polish. They’ll remain tarnish-free and looking new for a long time.

5. Tell your keys apart
– If you’ve got a bunch of keys that look similar, apply different colored nail polish to the heads of the keys to help you tell them apart in an instant.
Dryer Sheets - Useful Items
1. Shoe deodorizer
– If your sneakers are a source of foul smells, shove a dryer sheet into each shoe and leave them in overnight for odorless shoes come morning. This also works for suitcases and backpacks. To be even more “green”, you can use dryer sheets that have already been through the dryer.

2. Clean tough stains from pans
– Burnt stains not coming off of your pan no matter how much you scrub? Pour water into the pan, pot, or baking dish and leave a dryer sheet in. Give it a few hours and those tough stains will become a thing of the past.

3. Effectively clean dust
– If there are surfaces you want to dust but would rather not use a damp cloth on, substitute it for a dryer sheet, which is effective in removing dust even when it’s dry.

4. Insect repellant
– Mosquitos and bees hate the smell of dryer sheets. You can leave some around you when you sleep or tuck some in hidden corners of the house. Don't smear them on yourelf though, as they contain a lot of chemicals.

5. Remove scum from the shower
– If your shower glass door is filled with scum stains, grab a dryer sheet and scrub them away with ease.

Vaseline - Useful Items
1. Protect your pets’ cracked paws
– If your pet is suffering from dry or cracked paws, rub on some Vaseline and message it into the paw. It’s best to do this after a walk.

2. Prevents mishaps when painting your nails
– If you hate having to clean up after you apply nail polish, rub some Vaseline around the nail to prevent the polish from adhering to that surface.

3. Helps heal sunburns
– Sunburns are unpleasant at best and painful at worst. Apply Vaseline to the burnt areas to help them heal faster and prevent the skin from cracking and peeling.

4. Prevents chafing
– If you suffer from chafing and don’t have talcum powder accessible, you can apply a little Vaseline to the chafing area to protect it.

5. Hides split ends
– No time to go to the hair stylist? Use a little Vaseline on your split ends to hide them.

Pencils - Useful Items
1. Moth repellent
– If you can’t get mothballs, you can use pencil shavings instead. The smell of the shavings is an effective repellant.

2. Fix stuck zippers
– If your zipper is stuck, rub the “teeth” on either side with the pencil’s graphite, it’ll act as a dry lubricant and free the zipper. This also works on old locks.

3. Pincushion substitute
– Doing some sewing but can’t find that darn pin cushion? Stick the needles into the pencil’s eraser to keep them safe for the time being.

4. Temporary earring clasp
– If you lost the back clasp of your earring, cut a piece of the eraser from a pencil and use it as a temporary clasp.

5. Clean the soles of your shoes
– If you stepped in something sticky ( gum) and need to clean it somehow, a pencil will do the work perfectly.
Salt - Useful Items
1. Cleaning vegetables
– The best way to wash vegetables is in a bowl of salt water. The salt and water combination is tough on dirt but harmless to the vegetable.

2. Better tasting coffee
– Sprinkle a little bit of salt in your coffee to make it less acidic and bring out the real coffee flavors.

3. Cheese preserver
– Dip napkins in salt water and use them to wrap pieces of cheese before putting them back in the fridge. The salt prevents mold from forming on the cheese, keeping it fresh for longer.

4. Clean wine stains
– Spilled some wine on your table cloth? Cover it with salt and let it sit for about 30 minutes, and then clear the salt and wash it in the washing machine. The stain will be a thing of the past.

5. Relieve mosquito bites
– If you’ve become a mosquito’s meal and are now scratching yourself raw, dip a napkin or washcloth in salt water and apply to the bites. For tough bites you can add some olive oil.
Vinegar - Useful Items
1. Prevent fabrics from fading
– If you’re worried that your favorite piece of clothing will fade in the wash, soak it in an equal mix of water and vinegar for 15 minutes before the wash. The vinegar will protect the color.

2. Kill weeds
– Did you know that by pouring vinegar on weeds you can effectively kill them?

3. Revive mushy vegetables
– If your veggies have gained a mushy texture, you can fix it in a jiffy by dipping them in a mix of 2 cups of water and a teaspoon of vinegar for 10 minutes. Just remember to rinse them.

4. Clean your keyboard
– Keyboards can get greasy and dirty, but cleaning them can be very easy. Unplug it from the computer, grab a microfiber cloth and dip it in a solution of equal parts water and vinegar, wring it as much as you can, and then wipe the grime off of the keys. If you need to clean between the keys, use cotton swabs.

5. Get rid of the smell of smoke
– If you accidentally burned a dish and now the house stinks of smoke, grab a rag and dip it in vinegar, wring it, and then flap it around the room. It may feel silly, but the vinegar absorbs the smoke particles that make the house smell bad. You should also leave a bowl of vinegar in the kitchen for a few hours to absorb any leftover smell.
Toothpicks - Useful Items
1. Stop boiled water from overflowing
– Scared of leaving a pot on the stove? Stick a toothpick between the pot and the lid. This will allow the steam to escape, preventing the pressure that causes water to overflow.

2. Find the ends of sticky tape with ease
– If you hate struggling with a roll of tape just to find the end, stick a toothpick to the edge before putting the roll away to make it easy to find it next time.

3. Efficiently fry sausages
– By running a toothpick through every pair of sausages, you can make sure that they fry evenly on all sides.

4. Keep young seedlings straight
– Just you’d use a piece of wood as a splint for a young tree, you can stick a few toothpicks around a young seedling to make sure it grows straight up.

5. Paint hard-to-reach corners
– When painting, if you encounter corners, grooves, or crevices that the brush doesn’t reach, you can dip a toothpick in the paint and use it on those areas.
Talcum Powder - Useful Items
1. Easily remove rubber and latex gloves
– If you have problems removing gloves once you’re done using them, pour a bit of talcum into the glove before donning it. Once you’re ready, the glove will come off with ease.

Wednesday, 30 December 2015

Dream!!! The lines which make me hunt on my mind.

You come to Me to fulfill your wishes. When I begin to fulfill them, You begin to realize the impermanence of them. You become free of your desires. You realize that One desire gives birth only to another. These desires are a root of your worries. But sometimes these worries become an excuse, To come to Me, to know Me, And to get addicted to My love. My desires is only to fulfill all your desires, To uproot them, And to make you free of being enslaved by them. Burn these desires in flame, That is bright and warm only for the love of God. The sweetness of this love will one day, Dissolve all your agitations within. It will conquer your mind And wrap your heart, drown your ego, And most of all, It will transform you to “ Love.". Thanks for Your patcience to Read my View.Dedication ........? -By Manoj Kumar Ganadi.


23 Habits That Will Make You Smarter

Getting smarter isn't something that happens overnight. Instead, you have to build your intelligence every day through intentional daily habits.

In a recent Quora thread, "What would you do to be a little smarter every single day?", readers shared their advice on good habits you can establish.

Here are some simple actions that could help you become a smarter person.

1. Come up with 10 ideas every day. Think about how to reduce poverty, how to solve a daily problem you have, interesting movie ideas, or anything. It doesn't matter what subject your ideas fall into, as long as you're working your brain and your idea muscles. Your list might even lead to a new startup idea or writing subject. — Claudia Azula Altucher

2. Read the newspaper. It will help you become more aware of the important things happening around the word. You'll learn to form your own opinions and connect the dots between seemingly unrelated things. You'll also have a lot more to talk about at parties or with friends. — Manas J Saloi

3. Play devil's advocate. Take something you recently learned and generate a unique opinion on it that wouldn't immediately come to mind. Try to support it with evidence, and be open to the idea that new evidence will change your opinion. Repeat this every day, and you'll become much better at thinking outside the box.

If you're feeling stuck, try reading and critically evaluating the editorial section of papers. They will help you understand how other people form arguments and express their opinions. — Peter DePaulo

4. Read a chapter of a fiction or non-fiction book. Aim to read a book a week. You can always find pockets of time to read, whether on your daily commute or while you're waiting in line. Goodreads is a great way to keep track of everything you read and to also find a community of other readers.

Fiction books are great for understanding characters and getting absorbed into another perspective, while non-fiction books are great for introducing you to new topics, from politics to psychology. — Claudia Azula Altucher

5. Instead of watching TV, watch educational videos. Sometimes, it's more fun to watch things about a subject you love than to read about it, and you can learn a lot from other people's experiences.

You can find fun, educational videos on Khan Academy or watch TED talks. You can also find good ones on Youtube's channel SmarterEveryDay. In videos, the information is often presented in a digestible, memorable way, so you can be assured they'll stick. —Hendrik Sleeckx

6. Subscribe to feeds of interesting information. Follow interesting voices on Facebook and Twitter, so you'll always learn something new when you look at your newsfeed or dashboard.You can also follow email newsletters, such as Cal Newport's Study Hacks and Today I Found Out. — Saurabh Shah

7. Check in with your favorite knowledge sources. Every day, scroll through Quora, Stack Overflow, specialty blogs, or any other sources that satiate your hunger for knowledge. This is an extremely easy habit, because other users are curating the content for you, so all you have to do is follow the ones who write about topics interesting to you. Try using Pocket to save articles for later reading, and then try to get through them before going to sleep at night. — Manas J Saloi

8. Share what you learn with other people. If you find someone to debate and analyze ideas with, you can add to each other's knowledge and gain new perspectives. Also, when you can explain ideas to someone else, it means you've definitely mastered the concept. You can even share what you learn without directly talking to someone. Many people like to start blogs so they can engage others in online dialogue. — Mike Xie

9. Make two lists: a list of work-related skills you want to learn now and a list for things you want to achieve in the future. Google Docs is a convenient way to keep track of your lists. For both, decide what you want to learn, compile sources that will teach you these skills, and then work on them each day.

For example, if you work in a computer-science related field, your first list might suggest you learn something new in Python one day or that you try using MongoDB another day.

For your second list, you can think about long-term goals, such as whether you want to go into marketing or architecture. Write down the small steps you need to take to reach that goal, whether it's by reading the experts in those fields or taking classes at a local college. — Manas J Saloi

10. Make an "I Did" list. At the end of each day, write down what you completed. This will help you feel better about all the things you accomplished, especially if you're feeling discouraged. It will also help you reflect on how productive you were and how you can re-structure your to-do lists for the next day. — Claudia Azula Altucher

11. Write down what you learn. You can start a blog or use an app like Inkpad to help you keep track of everything you learn. Not only will this be a great way to keep a record of everything you're doing, but it's also a good source of motivation to keep you accountable. You will want to learn more if you know that at the end of the day you'll have to write about it. — Manas J Saloi

12. Stimulate your mind. Going on a daily run is a great way to get your brain flowing and to keep your mental health in shape. It's also a great way to think through difficult decisions or process new information. — Rick Bruno

13. Take online courses. Check out this list of the most popular online courses for professionals. Make sure you don't overload yourself; commit to one to two and truly focus on them. The syllabi will also keep you on track, so you know you will be doing something every day, whether it's listening to a lecture or working on an assignment. — Manas J Saloi

14. Talk to someone you find interesting. Even if they're strangers, don't be afraid to approach them. Ask about their interests and how they discovered them. Oftentimes, you learn the most from people you barely know. — Manas J Saloi

15. Hang out with people who are smarter than you. Spend as much time as you can with smart people. Every day, you should strive to have a coffee date or walk with someone who inspires you.

Always be humble and willing to learn. Ask as many questions as possible. If you are always around people who are more knowledgeable than you, you'll have no choice but to learn more. —Manas J Saloi

16. Follow your questions. If you see or hear about something cool, don't just let the moment pass. Follow up — pursue your curiosity and find the answer to your question. — Mike Xie

17. Use a word-of-the-day app. You will increase your vocabulary, which can help you in competitive tests like the SAT or GRE, or even just sound more eloquent in daily interactions.

You can also try to learn new vocabulary in a different language. Every day, try to add five to 10 more words to the foreign language you are trying to pursue. You can use LiveMocha, Basuu, or DuoLingo. — Manas J Saloi

18. Do something scary. "Getting out of our comfort zone always makes us wiser." Every day, push yourself a little further. Try public speaking by joining a ToastMasters class, lead a meeting by volunteering a proposal at work, or reach out to someone you really admire by sending a quick letter or email. — Claudia Azula Altucher

19. Explore new areas. If you can't travel every day, at least try to find something new within your hometown. You'll meet different people, learn new facts, and understand something new about the world. It's a lot more productive than staying at home and watching TV. — Manas J Saloi

20. Play "smart" games. Some games, like chess and Scrabble, expand your mind. Challenge yourself when you play them. For example, play Scrabble without a dictionary. You can also solve puzzles via games like Sudoku, 2048, and Doors. — Saurabh Shah

21. Set aside some time to do nothing. Oftentimes, sitting in silence can help you get inspiration and reflect on your day. — Claudia Azula Altucher

22. Adopt a productive hobby. If you have something you can work on every day, from knitting to fly fishing, you can actively learn more just from doing. For instance, you may try to play a new piece of music every day, read a physics textbook, write a few more pages in your novel, or learn a new computer skill. — Mayank Rajput

23. Apply what you learn. If you recently learned a new coding skill or how to play an instrument, make sure you are using that skill in your life as often as possible. Learning by doing is one of the most effective ways to become smarter. —

Wednesday, 23 December 2015

Just for fun

Are they all by Co-incidence? 
Japanese Psychology:- The third letter of ur name shows ur character..!!!! 

What's the third letter of ur name?  

A. Romantic
B. Proud
C. Innocent
D. Loved by all
E. Good and lovely
F. Feels for others
G. Logical mind person
H. Leader
I. Helpful
J. Enjoys every bit of life
K. Irritating
L. Funny
M. Emotional
N. Sensible
O. Supportive
P. Crazy
Q. Unpredictable
R. Practical
S. Loving
T. Fake
U. Sensitive
V. Genius
W. Calm
X. Takes everything easy
Y. Intelligent
Z. Jovial.
Whats Urs Check It Up..and share....Crazy
